Happy Thursday friends! It is September!! That means we are due for some fall weather and I am welcoming it with open arms!

It's okay...
...that I complain about it wanting it to be cold again in the summer and wanting warm sunshine in the winter.
...to want to spend my free time purchasing all things new for our home.
...that I am starting to stress about this job situation and now I am just applying for any and all jobs I come across not related to my masters at all.
...to want to go to Yogurt Mountin 56742467 times while I am at the beach celebrating Labor Day this weekend.
...to skip a long run every now and then, especially if you feel like your body could use the rest.
...to want to get rid of cable because we never watch tv and it is way too rediculously expensive.
...to eat two scrambled eggs, one just the white, every morning for breakfast and never switch it up.
...to be addicted to Jelly Belly's and pay $4 for a small bag of them (especially OK considering they were candy corn flavored--hello fall).
...to want a Sonic soft-serve ice cream cup with M&M's every night after dinner--not to mention we are 2 minutes away from a Sonic).
Go Link up friends!!!
(OH--It's also okay that I kind of forgot about my giveaway...(it's my first, okay, give me a little break). Only 3 people have entered so far so the odds are good! If you haven't entered I'm leaving it up a little while longer so go enter HERE!!)
(OH--It's also okay that I kind of forgot about my giveaway...(it's my first, okay, give me a little break). Only 3 people have entered so far so the odds are good! If you haven't entered I'm leaving it up a little while longer so go enter HERE!!)

I'm the exact same way about the weather. I'm never satisfied! Good luck on the job search girl. Thanks for linking up :)