Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Ok Thursday

I am linking up for another It's Ok Thursday!!

Its Ok Thursdays

It is hard to believe it is already Thursday! This week has flown by! I have a 5k race this weekend as well as 20-21 mile run scheduled so my weekend will be full of running, running, and more running! 

It's Okay... want to wear my arm warmers for the first time this morning even though the weather was 60+ degrees! seriously crave shopping at a Trader Joe's or Whole Foods and the closest one is over an hour away! :( be shopping for bathing suits already! be nervous about my race this weekend. crave milk and cereal knowing it is not a healthy breakfast nor will it keep me full.


  1. First, I must begin by saying that I LOVE the name of your blog. That in itself is inspiring. Then you get into your! The running alone can inspire anyone. I do appreciate the arm-warmers-in-any-weather comment too. Happy to be your newest follower!

    Can't wait to come back and play soon.

    Also, by the look of many of your posts, we think you'd love See Beautiful too!

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  2. Hey Britton! Glad you stopped by....You and your hubby are precious!

    We def DO have a lot in common! Taking self-portraits in out running gear is one to add to the list. :) And I am SO with you on the Whole Foods...It makes me SO happy to shop there, but there aren't any close and they are so dang expensive!

    Nice to meet ya!

  3. Good luck with all that running this weekend! It's supposed to be super messy in Georgia so I doubt there will be alot of leaving this house to do anything! Good luck this weekend!

    Glad to be here and be your newest follower!

    Check my out if you have time!
    Ashley@ Little Miss One Big Mess


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