Happy SATURDAY to ya!!!
I am thrilled to be sitting on my couch with my computer and my legs propped up watching tv!!!
It's been way too long since I've been able to do this. Back in September, I started working at a local boutique full-time. Retail always= working on Saturday. I had to revamp my schedule and my running got all screwed up!
So, guess what folks?!?!? I am NO LONGER working on Saturdays and I am ectatic! I went down to part-time because it just wasn't worth it for me. It is not my career and I am just doing it while I am still searching for a school counseling position. I am now just going to work 3-4 days a week. SO what does that mean?!
That means it's back to long run Saturdays and another goal for 2012 in my sights! Hello Myrtle Beach Marathon!!
I celebrated my first Saturday off by running long this morning with two of my awesome running friends! I wasn't sure how I would do or if I could stay at their pace or not. Suprisingly, I felt great other than that nagging pain in the arch of my foot. It's not bad enough to keep me off my feet but I can still feel it every now and then.
20 miles this morning in 2:55:18...8:45 per mile pace!!
I also ran in these new babies for the first time this morning! I love Brooks for long distance running and the Ghost 4's are my new best friend!!! :) |
It was a beautiful, cool morning for a run and I am so glad to be back and have the time to spend running long with friends. It is something I have totally missed since I started working this job. Going on how I felt, I am planning to switch my registration at the MB race from the half-marathon to the full! Yikes!! Marathon #2, here I come and I am ready for a new PR!! :)
I hope you all enjoy your weekend as much as I am going to!!! It's off to rest a little longer and then spend some time running errands and shopping with the most wonderful mother a girl could have!!
Then it's off to watch the Miss America pageant tonight with friends! Miss South Carolina, Bree Boyce, is from Flo-town and we are cheering her on! We hope she will bring the crown home to Flo-town! How awesome would that be!
Good Luck Bree, we are all cheering you on!!!

How great to get your Saturday back. Enjoy
Working on the weekends stinks--glad to hear you now have them back!