Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Long Run

Two posts in one day!! Watch out yall, I am on a roll!!! 

No, actually it is because I am confined to my bed with my computer because my legs are too tired to do anything else but rest! :)

Alarm clock went off this morning at 5:51 and I snoozed twice! I was up and eating breakfast at 6:15 and out the door by 6:45 to meet up with a group of friends for my long run for the week.

Sunday is usually my rest/yoga day but since I ran the 5k yesterday I didn't really have a choice. I had to get it in today. I hated missing church and I will definitely not make a habit of doing that, but I am glad I got it in and got to run with friends. 

Today it really felt like we ran all over this town!! I started off feeling a little tired. I pushed pretty hard yesterday so naturally my legs were gonna feel a little soreness! 

Needless to say, I am glad today's long run is done and now I can relax and enjoy TAPERING!!!

One of the greatest joys of running is knowing you have hit the TAPER mark!! Woohoo! 

Today's run:

21 miles in 3:12:15

9:10 average pace per mile

Not too shabby I don't think. I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday! I know I have!! 



CUMC Polar Bear 5k Recap

Saturday, January 28th I ran the 8th running of the Polar Bear 5k at Camp Sexton, the camp owned by my church. It's a place I have lots of fond memories from as a child. The same woods that I race through each year are the same woods that I went hiking and exploring as a child at church camp. The camp looks a lot different now and the summer camps are no longer taking place, but I will never forget the friends I made and the fun I had there as a child!

Now the camp is mainly used for ChOices Charter School, a school for students to attend who have been dismissed from their regular school and from the alternative school. It is run similar to a boot camp and is totally non-profit. The proceeds from this race go towards running the school and shaping the lives of these indviduals who ordinarily would have just been left on the streets and forgotten about. I am so thankful that these students, mainly boys, are getting another chance to learn and succeed.

I love this race for various reasons- i know exactly how my money is used, i get an awesome chilly lunch, my entire family does it together every year, my church organizes it so well, and the running community does such a wonderful job of supporting it!

I was a little nervous about this race, I am not going to lie. I don't run well on trails...never have and probably never will. It is just not my thang. Give me a flat paved road and I am a happy gal! I don't set out to get a PR on this course, thats for sure [thank you monstrous hill that starts at mile 2.2 and doesn't end for what seems like way too long.]


thats me in the turq and white...what am I doing?! i promise that is not my pre-race warm-up! :)

This year was no exception! I got to run and spend time with my parents, my sis, lots of wonderful church friends, and friends from the local running community! The chili lunch after the race is not too bad of a reward either!

always daddy's girls
We started the race with a false alarm. That is always fun. As we walked back to the start somehow lots of people and kids ended up in front of me. So when the gun went off for the second time I had to be patient. But, as always, I went out fast. Too fast for a trail race probably.

Mile 1- 7:00

I was feeling good, but not great. I was scared the stomach was gonna start acting up.
 Towards the end of mile 1, we started hitting the rolling hills. It is a quick reminder of how hard this course is and that major hill at the end. 

Mile 2- 7:22

I felt myself slow down. I knew I had to or I wouldn't make it up that hill. I kept a pretty steady 7:20-7:30 pace until I hit the hill. It slowed me down, I knew it would. I powered up it for the most part but I slowed towards the end.

Mile 3: 7:46

Darn, I was hoping to keep a 7:30 pace but I will take it.

I finished in 23:40! Whoop Whoop. average of 7:36 per mile pace.

never can i take a running picture with my eyes open, EVER!

It was good enough to get me first place in the 25-29 age group and I am pretty sure I was the second female overall to finish. I grabbed water and hung around to see my sister finish and then my parents! So awesome!!

ma familia 

It was overall a great race and a fun outing with my friends, family, and church family!

The sis and I headed out for 2 extra miles after we got home. What were we thinking?!?! It was a fun two miles though. A great way to spend a Saturday!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fashion Friday...Colored Denim

Today I am linking up with Kori at Blonde Episodes for Fashion Friday!!!

I am totally in love with the new colored denim trend for spring!! I am swooning over all of the colors, especially the soft pastels!!


above images via
via pinterest


 via pinterest
Can't wait to add a little colored denim to my spring wardrobe!!

Happy Friday!!!
