Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's Okay....

I am linking up with Neely and Amber  for another It's Okay Thursday!! 

It's okay... be over the moon thrilled that night #3 with Little Patton went awesome! He slept all night and never made me get up to take him out! I had to wake him up at 7:15 and no accidents in his crate! I am TOTALLY OK with that!

...that I missed two days of running and cross training because I was sleep deprived! They count as unplanned rest days that will help me if I decide to race this weekend. not have much of an appetite lately. I've had to many other things to worry about! be completely in love with this spring-like weather! Afternoons spent outside with the new pup and the husband and a glass of wine is A-ok with me!

...that I never shared with you my goodies from my Valentine's blog swap partner! Thanks Alison at Life's a Bowl!!!

...that I am so excited about getting my hair done today but I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with it!

It is going to be a great Thursday!!, 



  1. I LOVE getting my hair done but I never find the time. Enjoy it! Found your blog through Neely's link up. Very cute! Have a lovely Thursday.

  2. Oh my goodness... that puppy is adorable!! I'm definitely in love with this weather as well. I want Spring to be here!

  3. oh my god, your dog is so cute!!


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