Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Get to the Green 5k Race Recap

This past Saturday, March 17, I ran the St. Patty's Day Get to the Green 5k race in Columbia, SC. 

This race is put on by the same event company that puts on the O-Run so I knew it would be a well organized event!

My friend Missy picked me up about 5:45 and we headed for the interstate! We got to Cola-town about 7:00, found a place to park, ran/warmed up .5 mile to get our packets, and then ran/warmed up the .5 back to our car to put our stuff up. Needless to say, I was very warm.

We got back to the start area around 7:45 and I found my grad school friends, gave them a hug, and then jumped in the porta potty line.

I made it to the start just before the race started and we were off!

It was unusually warm for March and I had on tall zebra print socks with shamrocks on them. They were so thin so I put a pair of running socks on underneath. Bad.Idea. My feet felt like they were on fire the whole time! I can tell I am not conditioned quite yet to run in warmer temps!

This race was hilly too! Overall, it was a great, well organized race!

My clock time was 23:22 but my Garmin said 23:05!

We had our hearts set on sushi afterwards but no sushi place is open at 10:00 in the morning, just a little FYI!

So, we hit up Liberty Taproom and Yoghut and then headed back to Flo-town!

This was a great race and I would definitely do it again!!



  1. Thanks Britton!! Way to go speed demon! I have really missed running the past couple months!

  2. congrats!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun! I have never run a "hilly" race before...I hear they are much harder!
    My husband is thinking about doing the Bay-to-Breakers in San Francisco...I think he's crazy! ;)

    Have a wonderful day!

    Alex from


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