Thursday, September 18, 2014

20 Weeks - Halfway there

Wow, I cannot believe I have hit the halfway point in this pregnancy! Sometimes it is still unreal that I am even pregnant. To me, I don't think it will be totally real until this little one's birthday! Reality will set in for sure then! 

Week 20 was an exciting week! We had our 20 week appointment and scheduled ultrasound on Tuesday, September 9 at 3:00. The husband worked from home that day and a snickers bar and Mt. Dew waiting for me when I got home. Needless to say, we had no trouble finding out the gender of our little wiggle worm.

How far along: 20 weeks
How big is baby?: Pomegranate
Weight gain: +-12 lbs so far
Symptoms: Fatigue, gas, bloating, cramping, tossing and turning during the night some, getting up 1-2 times to use the bathroom 
Sleeping: Still okay even though I can't get comfortable much anymore 
Food cravings: Bring on the carbs!!!
Food aversions: Chicken..plain ole baked or grilled chicken = YUCKO! , coffee hasn't tasted very good lately
Miss anything?: Still wine and sushi...I doubt that will ever change! Oh, and sleeping on my stomach  
Gender: It's a ......GIRL!
Wedding Rings on or off?: On.
Maternity Clothes?: Still just my Gap maternity pants. Nothing else maternity yet although I've scored a few things on ebay and PinkBlush for a little later on 
Movement: I think I've felt the baby kick. If I am laying still on the couch at night I can feel an occasional flutter or movement.
What I did/got for baby: This past weekend Mom and I and K went back to Baby Furniture Plus in Columbia. We met with their bedding genius and he helped us design my bedding. I also bought the crib and mattress. I also picked out the Nuni Car seat and stroller system that I want to use. It was a very successful weekend for baby girl!
What I’m looking forward to: My husband finishing up redoing the hardwood floors in the nursery and starting on priming and painting the room!
Best moment of the week: Finding out the gender and announcing it at our gender reveal party with close friends and family. It was so much fun!


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