Monday, October 29, 2012

Busy little bee...

A busy little bee is an understatement for the way I have felt the past few months! I have been crazy busy but  I have enjoyed every minute of it!!

1.First thing is first...I finally landed a J-O-B! 

I am working as a school counselor in a high school about 20 minutes from my hometown. I started working in August two weeks before school started. 

I never thought I would want to be at the high school level but so far I have LOVED it! 

2. I just finished the 37th Annual Marine Corps Marathon. It was not my best time by any means and it was a very tough run for me but I am so glad that I participated. 
I finished in 4:27:33 but I am not worried too much about my time because I ran on a sore and swolen left foot and my training was lacking due to the new job. 

Hopefully when I am ready to do #4, I will be completely healed and well rested and i will be able to get my time back down in the 3:40's!

For now, I think I am going to concentrate on shorter, faster distances and try to get another half-marathon PR! We will see!

3. Furry Baby Update: My baby is so big and he is so sweet! We love him to pieces and he is such a big part of our little family now! He is a little over 9 months old now, still full of energy, and never ever meets a stranger! 

Oh, and I forgot to mention that he is obsessed with all of his toys!!

That is about all I have for now! I will probably not be updating the blog as much from now on but I still love reading enjoying your blogs!!! 



  1. Congrats on your new job! Your puppy is sooo cute!

    Hope you have a great day!



  2. Congrats on your new job and good luck with your training!


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