Friday, May 20, 2016

Fueling after a workout

One of the hardest things for me since becoming a Mom is finding time for me. Anna Reaves is 15 months old and I am still struggling with this. Before she was born I ate, slept, and breathed running and the sport of triathlon. Now my life revolves around her every need and she comes first in every thought/decision I make. As a working mom, I feel as though I need to spend my entire afternoons after work devoted to her. Mom guilt still sets in if I have to work late or have an activity in the evening after work.

My world revolves around this beautiful, sweet little face. 

I miss this so much but the drive and determination are still there. Ill be back at it sometime soon!
So, early mornings are the only time I have found that works for me. With my work schedule, I have to leave the house by 7:00am for my 30 minute commute to work. This puts me getting up between 4:30 or 5:00 to get in a run or a body weights workout. Although it does help me to feel energized through the work day, once the afternoon hits I am feeling the effects of my early morning wakeups. 

I try to pay special attention to what I am fueling my body in order to make it through my long days.  I often use a variety of nuts to help fuel my body and give me the healthy fat, carbs, and protein needed for refuel and repair. Nuts are such an awesome post workout snack that gives added health benefits as well. Water is also key after a workout to replace fluid lost through perspiration. has an awesome selection of nuts as well as other products that will help aid in refueling and recovery. You will find protein powder, dried fruit, coffee (AMEN!), sweet treats, and healthy snacks. Click on over to their website and browse all they have to offer! 

Don't forget refueling properly will lead to a restored, energized, and healthy you!!


Thursday, May 5, 2016

15 months

My sweet baby girl is now a toddler in every way. Beginning to walk has really led to her acting and looking like a toddler. She is not a baby anymore and I am not sure how that happened. So cliche but so so true. This stage is so much fun but I can tell it is going to be challenging as well. 

As she continues exploring her world, she has also developed habits that arent quite as desireable. For instance, slinging food, temper tantruns, screaming when she wants something, slapping at things, and just a general sassy little attitude. Can we say, "Mom and Dad are in for it!", 

Typical picture these days!

Our huge milestone this month was walking, starting at 14.5 months. I wasn't sure my child would ever walk. She is still walking with one flat foot and one tiptoe, but we are hoping that will straighten out with time.

The child absolutely loves books. If she is fussing or bored I can stick a book in her hands and she is good to go for 5-10 minutes as she "reads".

Her vocabulary amazes me. She tries to repeat any word I say. Well, except "i love you". Of course she wont say that. Her favorite words right now are pup pup, mama, dada, No, book, cookie, car, KaKa, Bubba, milk milk, and many others.

She has all of the sudden let me start rocking her a little bit at night now before I lay her down in her crib. It's been so wonderful for this mamas heart since she has never ever wanted to rock.

She is still sleeping 7:30pm - 6:30am with the exception of the past few days. We are going to chalk that up to two molars and one front tooth cutting the gums all at once. (We loathe teething!!)

I cant wait to watch her personality continue to develop. 